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Clinical Trial Prediction

Predicting the outcome of clinical trials with machine learning.
Python, Mahine Learning, Tableau

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NYC Citibike Story

Interactive dashboard about NYC citybike past and present.

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Incacerated Population

Study about race disparity among Canada's offenders population.
MongoDB, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Leaflet, Plotly

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Vizualizing the last 30 days earthquake with Leaflet.
Leaflet, JavaScript, HTML

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Mission to Mars

A web application that scrapes Mars related data and images, and displays in a dashboard.
Python, MongoDB, Flask, HTML

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Belly Button Biosphere

An interactive dashboard to present the project's dataset.
Javascript, Plotly, HTML

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UFO Sightings

Interactive table with capability to allow users to filter the table data for specific values.
JavaScript, HTML, CSS, D3.js

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Web Visualization

An HTML Dashboard to present Latitude Analysis projects.