Summary: Latitude vs. X

The purpose of the WeatherPy project is to evaluate the weather pattern of places on earth in relation to its location (defined by their longitude and latitude). The weather elements that we analyze are temperature, humidity, cloudiness, and wind speed.

The hypothesis is that a place's location on earth impacts its weather characteristics. Among the hypothesis that we want to prove are :
- “the further a city from the equator the lowest their maximum temperature is”
- “places with similar distance from the equator, have similar weather patterns”

To do this evaluation, we created random sample lists of cities that represent various areas of the world (e.g. Southern Hemisphere, The Tropics). The weather data of the day’s data (June 20, 2020) then be obtained through performing API queries. We then created visualization, performed regression analysis, and examined the patterns. To look if other location factors impact weather conditions, we group the cities that have similar longitude and latitude. Base on latitude, we group the cities as the American; Europe, Africa, and the Middle East; and Asia and Australia.

The data used for this analysis is obtained from python library’s citipy and OpenWeatherMap. Click data to evaluate the detail weather data of those cities.